Donating for GREENRISE e.V.
Thank you a lot for considering making a donation to support our work in Sierra Leone. We are grateful for every single person supporting us! If you decide to make a periodic donation, you make our projects more sustainable and effective, which will enable us to reach as many people in need as possible. You can, of course, terminate your donation at any time without indicating the reasons.

Of course, we will issue you a donations receipt after completion of your donation. We will keep you updated on the course of our projects via our newsletter or per post, according to your preference.
Your donation helps farmer families in Sierra Leone!
Option 1 - Use the German Donations Formulary
Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich entschieden haben, hilfsbedürftige Menschen in Sierra Leone zu unterstützen. Ihre Spende werden wir mit größter Verantwortung zur Hilfeleistung bedürftiger Bauernfamilien einsetzen.
Hinweis: Zur Senkung unserer administrativen Kosten nutzen wir das Spendenformular von HelpMundo. Sie werden daher nach Eingabe ihres Spendenbeitrages, darum gebeten, einen kleinen Beitrag zur Finanzierung des Spendenformulars an HelpMundo zu leisten. Dieser ist jedoch vollkommen freiwillig.
Other Options for Your Donation
Donate any amount you wish by traditional bank transfer. For that, please use the below donations account.
GreenRise Donations Account
Make a bank transfer using IBAN and BIC.
Landessparkasse zu Oldenburg
LzO Cloppenburg
IBAN: DE92 2805 0100 0092 8291 42

Get in Contact
Whatever it is you want to tell or ask us, we are looking forward to hearing from you!

Donations Account
Landessparkasse zu Oldenburg
LzO Cloppenburg
DE92 2805 0100 0092 8291 42
GreenRise Sierra Leone e.V.